單字講座 104:fictional (adj) / novel (n) (adj)
黑翼蔽天的新冠陰霾下,史蒂芬.金寫出了《噬夢童話》。他將現實和虛構的兩個世界並陳在讀者面前,再帶著讀者在兩個世界的夾縫間,掘出通往奇幻世界的秘道。書中,光明的部分很光明,洋溢人性的善、正直、美。然而,黑暗的部分,如遇見遭詛咒的居民時,奇異扭曲的景象也令人顫慄。很推薦大家一讀。話說「虛構的」是 fictional 還是 novel 呢?下方說分明。
▍fictional (adj) 虛構的 = fictitious
▍fictional (adj) 虛構的 = fictitious
▶ 例 1:福爾摩斯是全世界最知名的虛構偵探。他曾說:當你排除了所有不可能的因素,不論剩下什麼,即使可能性極低,也必定是事實。
Sherlock Holmes, the world’s most famous fictional detective, said that once you have eliminated all the possibilities, whatever remains, however improbable, must be true.
▍novel (adj) 新(奇)的 (n) 小說 = fiction
▶ 例 1:對我而言,高空彈跳是一個新奇的體驗。
Going bungee jumping is a novel experience for me.
▶ 例 2:他把書架上的小說都快速翻了一遍,試著決定哪本最吸引他。
He flipped through the novels on the bookshelf, trying to decide which would interest him the most.