
單字講座 110:fund (n) (v) / refund (n) (v)

好市多退貨無極限,吃過、喝過、用過、穿過 …,只要不滿意都可退。日前有位美國網友批露,他甚至還在店內看到有人帶著一台2002年購買、看了22年的舊電視機,要求退貨退款。然而,我們所不知道的是,根據研究:退貨便利,更能刺激顧客回購。退貨時間給得越寬鬆,消費者越會留下商品。且扣除退貨成本,獲利仍可增長兩成以上。這門反直覺的退貨淘金學還真是挺妙的。話說「退款」是 fund 還是 refund 呢?下方說分明。

▍fund (n) 資金款項 (v) 資助
▶ 例 1:我們將舉辦募活動,藉以提升流浪狗的福祉。
We will hold a campaign to raise funds to improve the wellbeing of stray dogs.

▶ 例 2:許多州政府高度依賴酒類銷售稅來資助政府開銷。
Many state governments relied heavily on taxes from liquor sales to fund their expenses.

▍refund (n) (v) 退款
▶ 例 1:她退了那件不合身的洋裝,並拿到全額退款
She returns the dress that doesn’t fit and gets a full refund.

▶ 例 2:演唱會因颱風取消。策畫人說,所有票券都可退款
Due to the strong typhoon, the concert was cancelled and the organizers said all tickets would be refunded.

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