單字講座 111:furniture (n) / appliance (n)
擁有可傳家的老家俱似乎也挺浪漫的~~~。小編我,最近考慮將阿嬤家準備丟掉的跛腳老衣櫃拆解成三部分,底部作為電視櫃,上方兩個櫃子各自成為椅子兼置物櫃,一櫃三用,和我的蝸居可相襯了。話說「家俱」是 furniture 還是 appliance 呢?下方說分明。
▍furniture (n) 傢俱
▶ 例 1:你家中的椅子、餐桌、書架和床都是傢俱。
The chairs, tables, bookshelves, and beds in your house are furniture.
▍appliance (n) 家電用品
▶ 例 1:雙十一,我買了新的烤箱、洗衣機和其他家電用品。
On Singles Day, I bought an oven, a washing machine and other household appliances.
▍furniture (n) 傢俱
▶ 例 1:你家中的椅子、餐桌、書架和床都是傢俱。
The chairs, tables, bookshelves, and beds in your house are furniture.
▍appliance (n) 家電用品
▶ 例 1:雙十一,我買了新的烤箱、洗衣機和其他家電用品。
On Singles Day, I bought an oven, a washing machine and other household appliances.