


《 阿凡達導演James Cameron的馬里亞納海溝之旅 》

字彙 Flashcards :使用說明
  • 精選多益 / 全民英檢中高級 / 托福單字片語
  • set (v) 座落於 (n) 拍片現場
  • turbulent (adj) 湍急的;混亂的
  • alien (adj) 陌生的
  • tentative (adj) 暫時的;不確定的
  • release (n) 上映
  • hoard (v) 儲藏
  • sequel (n) 續集
  • director (n) 導演
  • Mariana Trench (n) 馬里亞納海溝
  • swallow (v) 吞噬
  • Mount Everest (n) 聖母峰
  • commission (v) 委託建造
  • submarine (n) 潛水艇
  • fit (v) 安裝
  • capture (v) 捕捉;抓
  • unprecedented (adj) 前所未見的
  • footage (n) 鏡頭
  • expedition (n) 遠征探險
  • announce (v) 宣布
  • install (v) 安裝
  • massive (adj) 大規模的
  • solar array (n) 太陽能電池陣列
  • film (n) 電影 (v) 拍攝 = shoot (v)
  • net zero (n) 零耗能
  • green 環保的 = environmental (adj)
  • theme (n) 主題
  • production (n) 製作
  • plot (n) 劇情
  • prolific (adj) 多產的
  • donate (v) 捐贈
  • box office (n) 票房
  • income (n) 收入
  • cause (n) 原因;理由
  • explore (v) 探索

Avatar 2, set in the turbulent waters of Pandora, an alien moon, won’t be ready in another four years. The tentative 2016  __  01  __  means that all the blue paint you’ve been    __  02  __   for your Na’vi for the opening night will have to sit there just a little longer.

This March, the research for a sequel to Avatar took the director James Cameron to Mariana Trench, which could   __ 03 __   Mount Everest and has been visited by man once only. He commissioned a high-tech submarine   __  04  __  with 3D cameras to capture unprecedented   __ 05 __   that may be incorporated in Avatar 2. 

After his record-breaking expedition, Mr. Cameron announces his next big step. He will   __ 06  __  a massive solar array at Manhattan Beach Studios to make the filming of the Avatar sequels net zero. Beyond the green theme   __  07  __    both in production and Avatar 2’s plot lines, the prolific director also plans to donate some box office incomes to environmental causes that are at the  __  08  __   of the Avatar World.

A. swallow B. present C. hoarding D. heart  
F. fitted G. footage H. release I. install  


Avatar 2, set in the turbulent waters of Pandora, an alien moon, won’t be ready in another four years. The tentative 2016 release means that all the blue paint you’ve been hoarding for your Na’vi for the opening night will have to sit there just a little longer.

This March, the research for a sequel to Avatar took the director James Cameron to Mariana Trench, which could swallow Mount Everest and has been visited by man once only. He commissioned a high-tech submarine fitted with 3D cameras to capture unprecedented footage that may be incorporated in Avatar 2. 

After his record-breaking expedition, Mr. Cameron announces his next big step. He will install a massive solar array at Manhattan Beach Studios to make the filming of the Avatar sequels net zero. Beyond the green theme present both in production and Avatar 2’s plot lines, the prolific director also plans to donate some box office incomes to environmental causes that are at the heart of the Avatar World.

QWhich is not true about Avatar 2?
A. It took Cameron four years to shoot Avatar 2.
B. Avatar 2 has a greener set with solar arrays.
C. Avatar 2 may carry on the environmental message of the first.
D. Avatar 2 explores the underwater world.

建議做完聽力和閱讀後, 打開播放器, 跟著一起朗讀文章, 熟悉發音和語調。

1. H 2. C 3. A 4. F  
5. G 6. I 7. B 8. D  
1. 從句子結構可知第 1 格為主詞,即「名詞」。從第一段第 1 句可知阿凡達第二集的拍攝仍需四年才可能完成,故 2016 年是可能的「上映」(release)時機。
2. 主詞 you 會主動執行動作,故判斷這題應為「現在完成進行式」have been Ving。 
3. 第 3 格,助動詞 could 後搭配「動詞原形」。 從文意推斷,馬里亞納海溝的深度「裝得下」聖母峰,故用動詞「吞下」(swallow)。
4. 第 4 格和名詞「潛水艇」(submarine) 有關,應為「形容詞」。又潛水艇不會自己做動作,應搭配具被動意思的p.p.形容詞。解說請見 大學堂文法講座 4

5. 從文意可知攝影機(camera)是用來捕捉(capture)「影像」(footage)。
6. 第 6 格,助動詞 will 後搭配「動詞原形」。從文意可知在製片廠裡「裝設」(install)太陽能裝置。
7. 介係詞 beyond + 名詞 the green theme + 形容詞。第 7 格應為形容詞。從文意可知環保概念不但出現 (present) 在製片過程中,也成為影片的主軸。
8. 從文章可推論「環保」是阿凡達系列電影的「核心」議題。  


阿凡達 2 的故事背景設定在陌生的潘多拉星球,湍急洶湧的水域裡。阿凡達2預估再四年仍無法完工,暫定2016上映。這意味你為開幕夜納美人所囤積的藍色顏料,必須再等一等才派得上用場。

今年3月,為研究阿凡達續集,導演James Cameron去了馬里亞納海溝。馬里亞納海溝的深度足以吞下聖母峰,且至今只被造訪一次。他委託製作一艘裝有3D攝影機的高科技潛水艇,以捕捉前所未見的鏡頭,這些罕見的鏡頭可能被融入阿凡達2。


A. 卡麥隆花了四年才拍完阿凡達2。
B. 有了太陽能電池陣列,阿凡達2拍片現場較環保。
C. 阿凡達2可能延續傳遞第一集的環保訊息。
D. 阿凡達探索了水底世界。

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