《 天堂般的挪威Halden監獄簡介》
Norway’s Halden prison has won an award for its interior design. At first glance the environment feels more Scandinavian boutique hotel than class A prison holding high-risk rapists, murderers and drug smugglers. The air here isn’t tinged with the repulsive smell of sweat and urine. Instead, the scent of coffee and food emanates from the “kitchen lab,” where inmates take cooking courses.
Ten years and $252 million dollars in the making, Halden embodies the guiding principles of the Norwegian justice system, which focus on human rights and rehabilitation rather than punishment. It features amenities like a music studio, a library, a state-of-the-art gym, jogging trails as well as workshops. The cells rival well-appointed college dorm rooms with flat-screen TVs, mini-fridges, en-suite bathrooms and bar-less windows overlooking forest scenery. Then for every 10 to 12 rooms, there are a top-notch kitchen and lounge areas that resemble IKEA showrooms. Better yet, the pampered prisoners can host their families during overnight visits in a freestanding two-bedroom house.
Halden’s greatest asset, though, may be the strong relationship among guards, staff and inmates. Prison guards, half of whom are women, don’t carry guns for they may create unnecessary intimidation and social distance. All guards and staff mingle with inmates, counsel them, and work closely with them to combat their criminality. A great deal of enthusiasm goes to transform inmates’ lives and have them leave as better people.
Countries track recidivism rates differently, but even an imperfect comparison suggests the Norwegian model works. Within two years of release, only 20% of Norway’s prisoners drift back into prison while in the U.S., the figure hovers around 60%.
Q. Which of the following is deeply embedded in the Norwegian penal system?
A. Prison life should be painful so that people will be deterred from committing crimes.
B. Imprisonment is futile without addressing social problems such as poverty and unemployment.
C. Treating prisoners humanely boosts their chances of transforming into decent
members of society.
D. Heavy penalties and rigorous law enforcement help reduce crime rates and control recidivistic crime.
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award (n) 獎項 interior (adj) 室內的 glance (n) 一瞥 boutique (n) 精品店 prison (n) 監獄 hold (v) 拘留 high-risk (adj) 高度危險的 rapist (n) 強暴犯 murderer (n) 謀殺犯 smuggler (n) 走私犯 tinge (v) 染上;有輕微的… repulsive (adj) 噁心的 sweat (n) 汗 urine (n) 尿 scent (n) 香味 emanate (v) 散發 inmate (n) 犯人 = prisoner (n) embody (v) 象徵 principle (n) 準則 justice system (n) 司法體系 focus on N:著重… rehabilitation (n) 改造;康復 punishment (n) 處罰 feature (v) 以…為特色 amenity (n) 設施 state-of-the-art (adj) 最先進/高級的 = top-notch (adj) trail (n) 小徑 cell (n) 牢房 rival (v) 比得上 well-appointed (adj) 設備完善的 bar-less (adj) 沒有鐵欄杆的 overlook (v) 俯瞰 scenery (n) 景色 lounge (n) 客廳 |
resemble (v) 類似 pamper (v) 寵愛 host (v) 款待 freestanding (adj) 獨棟的 asset (n) 可貴的優點 guard (n) 警衛 staff (n) 全體職員 intimidation (n) 威脅 distance (n) 距離;疏遠 mingle (v) 混合;打成一片 counsel (v) 協商建議 combat (v) 戰鬥;打擊 criminality (n) 犯罪(行為) transform (v) 轉變 recidivism (n) 再犯 recidivistic (adj) 再犯 comparison (n) 比較 release (n) 釋放 drift (v) 移動;不知不覺陷入 figure (n) 數字 hover (v) 徘徊 deter (v) 遏阻 commit (v) 做;犯下 imprisonment (n) 囚禁 futile (adj) 無效的 address (v) 設法了解解決 poverty (n) 貧窮 humanely (adv) 人道地 boost (v) 提高增加 decent (adj) 正派的 penalty (n) 刑罰 rigorous (adj) 嚴格的 enforcement (n) 執行 reduce (v) 減少 |
Norway’s Halden prison has won an award for its interior design. At first glance the environment feels more Scandinavian boutique hotel __ 01 __ class A prison holding high-risk rapists, murderers and drug smugglers. The air here isn’t tinged with the repulsive smell of sweat and urine. __ 02__ , the scent of coffee and food emanates from the “kitchen lab,” __ 03 __ inmates take cooking courses.
Ten years and $252 million dollars in the making, Halden embodies the guiding principles of the Norwegian justice system, which focus on human rights and rehabilitation rather than punishment. It __04 __ amenities like a music studio, a library, a state-of-the-art gym, jogging trails as well as workshops. The cells rival well-appointed college dorm rooms with flat-screen TVs, mini-fridges, en-suite bathrooms and bar-less windows overlooking forest scenery. Then for every 10 to 12 rooms, there are a top-notch kitchen and lounge areas that __ 05 __ IKEA showrooms. Better yet, the __ 06 __ prisoners can host their families during overnight visits in a freestanding two-bedroom house.
Halden’s greatest asset, though, may be the strong relationship among guards, staff and inmates. Prison guards, half of __ 07__ are women, don’t carry guns for they may create unnecessary intimidation and social distance. All guards and staff mingle with inmates, counsel them, and work closely with them to combat their criminality. A great deal of enthusiasm goes to transform inmates’ lives and __ 08 __ them leave as better people.
Countries track recidivism rates differently, but even an imperfect __ 09__ suggests the Norwegian model works. Within two years of __ 10 __ , only 20% of Norway’s prisoners drift back into prison while in the U.S., the figure hovers around 60%.
Ten years and $252 million dollars in the making, Halden embodies the guiding principles of the Norwegian justice system, which focus on human rights and rehabilitation rather than punishment. It __04 __ amenities like a music studio, a library, a state-of-the-art gym, jogging trails as well as workshops. The cells rival well-appointed college dorm rooms with flat-screen TVs, mini-fridges, en-suite bathrooms and bar-less windows overlooking forest scenery. Then for every 10 to 12 rooms, there are a top-notch kitchen and lounge areas that __ 05 __ IKEA showrooms. Better yet, the __ 06 __ prisoners can host their families during overnight visits in a freestanding two-bedroom house.
Halden’s greatest asset, though, may be the strong relationship among guards, staff and inmates. Prison guards, half of __ 07__ are women, don’t carry guns for they may create unnecessary intimidation and social distance. All guards and staff mingle with inmates, counsel them, and work closely with them to combat their criminality. A great deal of enthusiasm goes to transform inmates’ lives and __ 08 __ them leave as better people.
Countries track recidivism rates differently, but even an imperfect __ 09__ suggests the Norwegian model works. Within two years of __ 10 __ , only 20% of Norway’s prisoners drift back into prison while in the U.S., the figure hovers around 60%.
A. instead | B. features | C. than | D. pampered | E. have |
F. whom | G. where | H.comparison | I. release | J. resemble |
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Ten years and $252 million dollars in the making, Halden embodies the guiding principles of the Norwegian justice system, which focus on human rights and rehabilitation rather than punishment. It features amenities like a music studio, a library, a state-of-the-art gym, jogging trails as well as workshops. The cells rival well-appointed college dorm rooms with flat-screen TVs, mini-fridges, en-suite bathrooms and bar-less windows overlooking forest scenery. Then for every 10 to 12 rooms, there are a top-notch kitchen and lounge areas that resemble IKEA showrooms. Better yet, the pampered prisoners can host their families during overnight visits in a freestanding two-bedroom house.
Halden’s greatest asset, though, may be the strong relationship among guards, staff and inmates. Prison guards, half of whom are women, don’t carry guns for they may create unnecessary intimidation and social distance. All guards and staff mingle with inmates, counsel them, and work closely with them to combat their criminality. A great deal of enthusiasm goes to transform inmates’ lives and have them leave as better people.
Countries track recidivism rates differently, but even an imperfect comparison suggests the Norwegian model works. Within two years of release, only 20% of Norway’s prisoners drift back into prison while in the U.S., the figure hovers around 60%.
Q. Which of the following is deeply embedded in the Norwegian penal system?
A. Prison life should be painful so that people will be deterred from committing crimes.
B. Imprisonment is futile without addressing social problems such as poverty and unemployment.
C. Treating prisoners humanely boosts their chances of transforming into decent
members of society.
D. Heavy penalties and rigorous law enforcement help reduce crime rates and control recidivistic crime.
建議做完聽力和閱讀後, 打開播放器, 跟著一起朗讀文章, 熟悉發音和語調。
1. C | 2. A | 3. G | 4. B | 5. J |
6. D | 7. F | 8. E | 9. H | 10. I |
1. | 從 more 可知為比較級,故搭配「比」(than)。形容詞、副詞的原級、比較級、最高級,詳細解說請見 文法講座二十一 。 |
2. | 從文意可知監獄中瀰漫的不是尿味,「而是」(instead) 食物香味。instead 詳細解說請見 大學堂文法講座十 。 |
3. | 句型結構分析如下: the scent of coffee and food emanates from the lab 03 inmates take [主詞1] [動詞1] [關代] [主詞2] [動詞2] 兩個主詞,兩個動詞,代表兩個句子。連接兩個句子可用「關係代名詞」。先形詞 lab 為「物」。 再分析 inmates 為首的句子: inmates take cooking courses in the lab. [介係詞] [物關係代名詞 which] 介係詞 + which = 代表地點的關係副詞 where。關係副詞 where 詳細解說請見 文法講座二 。 |
4. | 從文意可知,圖書館和健身房等是Halden 監獄的「特色」feature。單數主詞「監獄」it 後需搭配單數動詞 features。 |
5. | that 關代,代替前面的「先行詞」kitchen and lounge areas。that子句句型結構分析如下: kitchen and lounge areas 06 IKEA showrooms. [主詞/ that ] [動詞] 複數主詞搭配第 6 格「複數動詞」。從文意可知,廚房及客廳區域「像」 (resemble) IKEA 展示區。 |
6. | prisoners 為名詞,可見前方第 6 格為形容詞。第 6 格後方句子:犯人們有獨棟房子可招待家人。由此可知犯人們很「受寵」(pampered)。 |
7. | 句子結構分析如下: Prison guards, half of 07 are women, don’t carry guns … [主詞1] [關代/ 主詞2] [動詞2] [動詞1] 兩個動詞,代表兩個句子,連接句子可用「關係代名詞」。先行詞 prison guards 為「人」,介係詞 of 後方需搭配「受詞」,故第7格為「人受詞性質」的關代 whom。關係代名詞詳細解說請見 文法講座一。 |
8. | 前方transform 為動詞原形,and為「對等連接詞」,故第8格應和 transform 對等,也為「動詞原形」。「使役動詞」have後方需搭配「動詞原形」leave。使役動詞詳細解說請見 文法講座二十二。 |
9. | 從「每國追蹤再犯率的方法不同」可知拿各國狀況做「比較」。形容詞 imperfect後方需搭配「名詞」。第9格為名詞「比較」(comparison)。 |
10. | 從監獄被「釋放」後又回籠才構成「再犯」( recidivism)。介係詞of後方需搭配「名詞」(release)。 |
每個國家追蹤累犯率的方式不同,但即便以最不完善的方式來做比較仍能證實挪威模式確實有效。出獄兩年內,只有 20% 的挪威囚犯再犯入獄,而在美國,再犯率約在 60% 左右徘徊。
A. 監獄生活應痛苦難耐,以遏阻人們犯罪。
B. 若不先解決如貧窮或失業等社會問題,「監禁」也徒勞無功。
C. 人道對待犯人,提升他們成為社會正直一員的機會。
D. 重刑和嚴格執法有助降低犯罪率和控制犯人再犯。
每個國家追蹤累犯率的方式不同,但即便以最不完善的方式來做比較仍能證實挪威模式確實有效。出獄兩年內,只有 20% 的挪威囚犯再犯入獄,而在美國,再犯率約在 60% 左右徘徊。
A. 監獄生活應痛苦難耐,以遏阻人們犯罪。
B. 若不先解決如貧窮或失業等社會問題,「監禁」也徒勞無功。
C. 人道對待犯人,提升他們成為社會正直一員的機會。
D. 重刑和嚴格執法有助降低犯罪率和控制犯人再犯。