




假設你在茶店點了大杯的冰紅茶。喝了幾口後,卻發現已杯底朝天。此時,大多數人只會氣呼呼地怪茶店坑人,偷斤減兩,但主修化工的我卻可用「熱力學方程式」q = mc ΔT 輕鬆解決這個問題。已知營業時茶店紅茶維持在攝氏15度,推算之下,僅僅1/6杯的冰塊就可讓500cc的紅茶冰涼有勁。有了這個概念後,下次點冰紅茶,我不但可喝到比較多的茶,還能享受戰勝企業「多冰少茶」潛規則的暢快感。知識就是寶庫,但「實踐」才是開啟寶庫大門的鑰匙。

If accepted into National Taiwan University, I would pursue a major in Chemical Engineering. During my high school years, my work has always been characterized by strong mathematical logic and critical thinking. The chance to work simultaneously with physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, and computer science proves irresistible to me. Apart from the enormous impact this major exerts on our daily lives, the utility of the discipline exhilarates and inspires me. Everywhere I go, I see opportunities in which principles and theoretical knowledge gained in class can be effectively put into practice.

Suppose you order a large iced tea at a tea shop. After taking several paltry sips, you are surprised to find yourself already slurping at the bottom of the cup. At this point, most people do nothing but blame the tea shop for cheating them out of their drinks. However, a Chemical Engineering major can solve this problem simply by applying the Thermodynamics equation: q = mc ΔT. Knowing the tea is dispensed at around 15 ℃, he will be able to conclude that it only takes 1/6 of a cup of ice to make half a liter of tea frosty cold. With this in mind, the Chemical Engineering major not only benefits from the extra tea but also enjoys the satisfaction of outsmarting the dubious business practices at his next purchase. Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it.

The superb reputation of your department and my conversations with several of your alumni, who distinguish themselves as leaders in industry, government, and academia, have served to deepen my interest in attending. Your highly respected faculty has fostered an intellectually vibrant atmosphere with a keen appreciation for creative thinking and diverse research endeavors. The breadth and versatility of your training will best prepare me for a rapidly changing world that faces challenges in areas such as Life Science, Energy and the Environment.

In undergraduate studies, I intend to explore the rich terrain of Chemical Engineering through groundbreaking investigation into areas such as nanotechnology and biomedical processes, while at the same time continuing to build up a solid background in math and science. Chemical Engineering research is an arrow pointing to a better and sustainable future. Working with talented researchers across disciplines, I will strive to uncover knowledge that has never been known before and create solutions that have never existed before. I hope you will give me the privilege of developing my expertise and broadening my perspectives at your fine institution.


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大學堂英文- 升大學甄選備審、面試顧問服務
備審文件 199366838259274150
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