

醫院是醫 "生"還是醫 "死" ?

《 實習醫生影集片段:CHASING THE CARS 》

字彙 Flashcards :使用說明
  • 精選多益 / 全民英檢中高級 / 托福單字片語
swear (v) 發誓
do harm to N:對…造成危害
patient (n) 病患
error (n) 錯誤過失
disease (n) 疾病
leading (adj) 主要的;最重要的
cause (n) 原因
mark (n) 標準;目標
crucial (adj) 重要的
reform (n) 改革
enhance (v) 提高;增加
compliance (n) 服從
review (v) 評論;檢閱
surgery (n) 手術
improvement (n) 改善;提升
dashboard (n) 儀表板
include (v) 包含
infection (n) 感染
  • readmission (n) 再入院
    complication (n) 併發症
    never event error:不應發生的失誤
    transparency (n) 透明化
    effective (adj) 有效率
    play a role in N:扮演…角色
    fair (adj) 公平的
    accurate (adj) 正確的
    available (adj) 可取得的
    unleash (v) 解開…束縛;釋放
    compete (v) 競爭
    measure (n) 措施;基準
    no doubt:無庸置疑地
    serve (v) 為…服務
    at stake:深陷危險之中
    prevent (v) 避免
    overlook (v) 忽視
    increase (v) 增加

All doctors swear to do no harm to their patients, but medical mistakes kill enough people each week to fill four jumbo jets.  __  1  __  medical errors a disease, they would be the sixth leading  __  2 __   of death —just behind accidents and ahead of Alzheimer’s. What other industry misses the mark this often?

Change can start with two simple but  __  3  __  reforms. First, video recording can be used to enhance compliance among medical experts. __   4  __  videos of surgery can also lead to quality improvement. Second, each hospital should have an online dashboard to include such important information  __  5  _  rates for infection, readmission, surgical complications and “never event” errors. To make   __6  __  more effective, government must play a role in making fair and accurate reports  __ 7  __  to the public.   __ 8 __   doing so, it will unleash the power of the free market. When hospitals have to  __  9 __   on measures of safety, they will no doubt improve how they serve their patients.

If you won’t sit down for a   __ 10 __   before checking a restaurant’s performance ratings, why shouldn’t you be able to do the same thing when your life is at stake?

A. transparency B. available C. meal D. in E. compete
F. were G. crucial H. as I. cause J. reviewing


All doctors swear to do no harm to their patients, but medical mistakes kill enough people each week to fill four jumbo jets. Were medical errors a disease, they would be the sixth leading cause of death —just behind accidents and ahead of Alzheimer’s. What other industry misses the mark this often?

Change can start with two simple but crucial reforms. First, video recording can be used to enhance compliance among medical experts. Reviewing videos of surgery can also lead to quality improvement. Second, each hospital should have an online dashboard to include important information such as rates for infection, readmission, surgical complications and “never event” errors. To make transparency more effective, government must play a role in making fair and accurate reports available to the public. In doing so, it will unleash the power of the free market. When hospitals have to compete on measures of safety, they will no doubt improve how they serve their patients.

If you won’t sit down for a meal before checking a restaurant’s performance ratings, why shouldn’t you be able to do the same thing when your life is at stake?

QWhat’s the best title for this article?
A. How to Prevent Hospitals From Killing Us.
B. Why Doctors Overlook Medical Errors.
C. Hospitals Are Moving Toward Increased Transparency.
D. The Role of Government In Fixing Health Care.

建議做完聽力和閱讀後, 打開播放器, 跟著一起朗讀文章, 熟悉發音和語調。

1. F 2. I 3. G 4. J 5. H
6. A 7. B 8. D 9. E 10. C
1. 本題考點為針對現在事實做相反假設的句型:

If 主詞1 + 動詞1 (過去式), 主詞2 + 動詞2 ( would/ should/ could/ might + V原)
If medical errors were a disease, they would be the sixth leading ….
若要加強 if 假設句的語氣,可將連接詞 if 去掉,再把 be 動詞提至句首。
Were medical errors a disease, they would be the sixth leading…
關於 if 假設語法的詳細解說請見 大學堂文法講座 5  。

2. 「意外事故」(accidents) 和「阿茲海默症」(Alzheimer’s) 都是死亡的「原因」(cause)。  
3. 第一段說出現今醫療過失的嚴重性,第二段提出「重要的」(crucial) 改革方案。
4. 本句結構分析如下:

__   4 __ videos of surgery can also lead to quality improvement.
[主詞]                 [動詞]
動名詞 Ving 放句首當主詞。

5. 本題考點為介係詞「比如說;像」such as。
6. 從第二段第4和5句可知,公告感染率和手術併發症等發生機率都是為了增加醫療資訊的「透明度」(transparency)。
7. 第7格和名詞 information 有關,應為「形容詞」。從文意推斷,政府應讓大眾「可取得」(available) 正確資訊。
8. 本題考點為「在做…時」in + Ving。  
9. 從第 8 格後方那行可知,在「自由市場」的狀況下,醫院勢必相互「競爭」(compete)。 
10. 從關鍵字 restaurant 可推知,坐下來是為了吃「一餐」(meal)。





A. 如何防止醫院殺我們。
B. 為什麼醫生忽視醫療失誤?
C. 醫院正在朝著增加醫療透明度的方向邁進。
D. 政府在解決健保問題上所扮演的角色。

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