

引言:雖然新的一年已過了一星期,但不知怎的,感覺仍沉浸在聖誕節點燃的節慶休假氣氛中,眼巴巴地期待農曆小龍年到來的同時,整個人從頭到腳只有一詞可形容:慵懶。本周繼續未完的2013星座運勢預報,讓我們一起看下去 ~ 同場加映一樣慵懶迷濛的 Mindy Smith《What Are You Doing New Year's Eve?》

《What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve? 》
字彙 Flashcards :使用說明
  • 精選多益 / 全民英檢中高級 / 托福單字片語
blank (adj) 空白的
well-connected (adj) 精心構思的
come one’s way:事情進展順利
phase (n) 階段
pleasantness (n) 愉快
reap (v) 收割;獲得
previous (adj) 先前的
comply (v) 遵從
ideal (n) (adj) 理想(的)
ambition (n) 抱負
imagination (n) 想像力
soar (v) 高飛;急升
come across:給人…印象;偶然發現
organized (adj) 有條理的;有效率的
practical (adj) 實際的
rally (v) 召集;重整
troops (n) 軍隊
prioritize (v) 列為優先
occupy (v) 占據
abundance (n) 充足;大量
stability (n) 穩定
juggle (v) 盡力對付
intense (adj) 強烈極度的
deserve (v) 應得…
encounter (v) 遭遇;碰上
joint (n) 關節
turn the corner:渡過難關
hardship (n) 艱困
obsess (v) 著迷
settle (v) 解決
at times:有時候
tense (adj) 焦慮緊張
challenge (n) 挑戰
sharpen (v) 使敏捷;加強提高
alert (adj) 思維敏捷;機警的
intensify (v) 加強
determination (n) 決心
forge (v) 創造;開創
vibrant (adj) 活躍的
crackle (v) 劈啪作響
hastily (adv) 匆匆忙忙的
arrange (v) 安排
skateboard (n) 滑板
remain (v) 保持
lively (adj) 活潑熱鬧的
keep sb on sb’s toes:保持忙碌
moody (adj) 喜怒無常的;憂鬱的
nature (n) 特質
provoke (v) 激起;引發
retreat (v) 後退;撤退
seclusion (n) 隱居
rollercoaster (n) 雲霄飛車

Leo (July 23rd- Aug. 22nd)
A printable blank calendar is ideal for Leo, because a series of well-connected events are   __  01  __  to come your way throughout the year. You relationships, both personal and professional, are going to enter a new phase of pleasantness. You will reap the fruits of your previous efforts. Just   __  02  __   with your ideal and ambitions and let your imagination soar. With just a little effort, you can come across as organized, practical, and able to   __  03  __   the troops around any project you’ve prioritized as important.
■ Good Leo: born to rule; confident; generous, expressive, encouraging
■ Bad Leo: arrogant; pushy; vain; lustful, bossy

Virgo (Aug. 23rd - Sept. 22nd)
Dear Virgo, you’ve had years when you find little reason to believe romance would have a chance of occupying a large place in your life, but now you do. In 2013, love is coming, and it’s coming in abundance. This is the year   __  04  __   you find passion and stability in your relationships. Therefore, do your best to find a way to juggle intense work or money pressure while making plans for social activities. You   __  05  __   to create a rich private life. Regarding health, you may encounter some pain in the joints or suffer from stomach problems. Scheduling some time to practice yoga may be helpful.
■ Good Virgo: compassionate; witty; observant; organized; reliable
■ Bad Virgo: obsessive; compulsive; shrewd; bitchy; fussy

Libra (Sept. 23rd - Oct. 22nd)
Life was hard for Libra over a very long time—three endless years. While we can’t say your life will be a bed of roses from now on, you are turning the   __  06  __   and leaving some of the hardships behind. In 2013, you will be obsessed over settling a home or family matter. At times you may feel tense, but   __  07  __   so, think of these challenges as your friends, for they will sharpen your mind, keep you alert, and intensify your determination. Luckily, you’ll have all the planetary help needed to forge ahead. Also, Mars, the energy planet, will light your house of true love, so your social life may become vibrant.
■ Good Libra: easygoing; idealistic; communicative; diplomatic
■ Bad Libra: manipulative; always undecided; gullible; escapist

Scorpio (Oct. 23rd - Nov. 21st)
For Scorpio, 2013 crackles with communication, travel, and plenty of opportunities for learning. Phone calls, emails and hastily arranged meetings will keep you on your   __  08  __  . You’ll need to remain organized, realistic, and alert since how well you communicate will make or break your success. As lively social life is going to   __  09  __   you extremely busy, your moody nature will also provoke you to   __  10  __   into seclusion. Thus, life can become a rollercoaster ride of emotions. Health has always been an area of worries for Scorpio; in 2013, there will also be health issues, especially in May and June.
■ Good Scorpio: passionate; dynamic; determined; tenacious; investigative
■ Bad Scorpio: volatile; secretive; obsessive; suspicious; hot-tempered

A. keep B. likely C. even D. corner E. toes
F. deserve G. retreat H. comply I. when J. rally

Leo (July 23rd- Aug. 22nd)
A printable blank calendar is ideal for Leo, because a series of well-connected events are likely to come your way throughout the year. Your relationships, both personal and professional, are going to enter a new phase of pleasantness. You will reap the fruits of your previous efforts. Just comply with your ideal and ambitions and let your imagination soar. With just a little effort, you can come across as organized, practical, and able to rally the troops around any project you’ve prioritized as important.
■ Good Leo: born to rule; confident; generous, expressive, encouraging
■ Bad Leo: arrogant; pushy; vain; lustful, bossy

Virgo (Aug. 23rd - Sept. 22nd)
Dear Virgo, you’ve had years when you find little reason to believe romance would have a chance of occupying a large place in your life, but now you do. In 2013, love is coming, and it’s coming in abundance. This is the year when you find passion and stability in your relationships. Therefore, do your best to find a way to juggle intense work or money pressure while making plans for social activities. You deserve to create a rich private life. Regarding health, you may encounter some pain in the joints or suffer from stomach problems. Scheduling some time to practice yoga may be helpful.
■ Good Virgo: compassionate; witty; observant; organized; reliable
■ Bad Virgo: obsessive; compulsive; shrewd; bitchy; fussy

Libra (Sept. 23rd - Oct. 22nd)
Life was hard for Libra over a very long time—three endless years. While we can’t say your life will be a bed of roses from now on, you are turning the corner and leaving some of the hardships behind. In 2013, you will be obsessed over settling a home or family matters. Though at times you may feel tense, but even so, think of these challenges as your friends, for they will sharpen your mind, keep you alert, and intensify your determination. Luckily, you’ll have all the planetary help needed to forge ahead. Also, Mars, the energy planet, will light your house of true love, so your social life may become vibrant.
■ Good Libra: easygoing; idealistic; communicative; diplomatic
■ Bad Libra: manipulative; always undecided; gullible; escapist

Scorpio (Oct. 23rd - Nov. 21st)
For Scorpio, 2013 crackles with communication, travel, and plenty of opportunities for learning. Phone calls, emails and hastily arranged meetings will keep you on your skateboard. You’ll need to remain organized, realistic, and alert since how well you communicate will make or break your success. As lively social life is going to keep you on your toes, your moody nature will also provoke you to retreat into seclusion. Thus, life can become a rollercoaster ride of emotions. Health has always been an area of worries for Scorpio; in 2013, there will also be health issues, especially in May and June.
■ Good Scorpio: passionate; dynamic; determined; tenacious; investigative
■ Bad Scorpio: volatile; secretive; obsessive; suspicious; hot-tempered

Q: According to this article, who has the most comfortable and productive year ahead?
A. Leo.
B. Virgo.
C. Libra.
D. Scorpio.

建議做完聽力和閱讀後, 打開播放器, 跟著一起朗讀文章, 熟悉發音和語調。
1. B 2. H 3. J 4. I 5. F
6. D 7. C 8. E 9. A 10. G
1. be 動詞後常搭配形容詞,由此可推知第 1 格為「形容詞」。從文意可推知,2013 星座預報獅子座「可能」(likely) 順心如意。
2. 唯一可不寫主詞的句子就是「祈使句」;肯定祈使句以「動詞原形」為首,故第 2 格為「V原」。從關鍵字「豐收」 (reap the fruits) 可推知,堅持/遵守 (comply with) 理想就能成功。相關動詞「遵守」的用法請見 文法講座三十三
3. 本題考點為「不定詞」to + 動詞原形,可見第 3 格為 V原。從關鍵字「軍隊」 troops 可推知這個動詞可能和軍事用語有關。「佈署」(rally) 重兵,意指已妥善規劃。
4. 本題句型結構分析如下:
This is the year   __  04  __   you find
[主詞1] [動詞1] [連接詞] [主詞2] [動詞2]
兩個主詞,兩個動詞,代表兩個句子。連接兩個句子需用「連接詞」,且是和「時間」the year 有關的連接詞,故第 4 格選 when (當)。  
5. 主詞後須搭動詞,故第 5 格為「動詞」。從前一句「規劃社交活動」可知你「應當」營造熱鬧的私人生活。
6. 從 a 可知第 6 格為「單數可數名詞」。從後方句「將過往艱困拋身後」可知天秤座已「渡過難關」。片語「渡過難關」turn the corner。
7. 副詞「即便如此」even so 用來加強語氣。
8. 所有格 your 後須搭配第 8 格「名詞」。從關鍵字「倉促安排」(hastily arranged) 可知你的生活「忙碌」。片語「忙得團團轉」keep sb on sb’s toes。
9. 本題考點為「不定詞」to + 動詞原形,可見第 9 格為「V原」。又這個動詞後須可搭配「形容詞」busy,故填動詞「保持」keep。動詞 keep 詳細用法請見 文法講座三十四
10. 本題考點為「不定詞」to + 動詞原形,可見第 10 格為「V原」。從關鍵字「喜怒無常」可推知有時喜歡交際應酬,有時又想「縮回;撤退」(retreat),宅在家。

獅子座 ( 7月23 日—8月22日)
一本可印刷的空白日曆本對獅子座而言再理想不過了,因為今年一整年獅子座 將好事連連,順心如意。你與外界的關係,不論是人際關係還是職場互動都將進入一個愉快的新局面。只要遵循你的理想和抱負,讓想像力飛揚,那麼你之前付出的心血都將在今年開花結果。只需稍努力,你便可給人有條有理和務實的印象,且能在任何被你優先列為重要計畫的周遭部屬重兵。
■ 好獅子座:天生領導者、自信、慷慨、能言善道、振奮人心的
■ 壞獅子座:驕傲自大、固執己見的、虛榮的、貪得無厭的、喜歡發號施令的

處女座 (8月23 日—9月22日)
■ 好處女座:有同情心、機智的、觀察力敏銳的、井井有條的、值得信賴的
■ 壞處女座:不能自拔的、強迫性的、精於盤算的、囉嗦的、愛挑剔的

天秤座 ( 9月23 日—10月22日)
■ 好天秤座:隨和的、理想主義的、喜好社交的、圓滑的
■ 壞天秤座:善於擺佈他人的、總是猶豫不決的、易受騙的、逃避現實的

天蠍座 (10月23 日—11月21日)

■ 好天蠍座:熱情、活力充沛的、有決心、堅毅的、愛研究調查的
■ 壞天蠍座:反覆無常的、深藏不露的、強迫性的、多疑的、脾氣暴躁的

  • A. 獅子座。
  • B. 處女座。
  • C. 天秤座。
  • D. 天蠍座。

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