


字彙 Flashcards :使用說明
  • 精選多益 / 全民英檢中高級 / 托福單字片語
prospect (n) 前景;期望
stir (v) 激起
lackluster (adj) 暗淡的
challenge (n) 挑戰
horoscope (n) 星象;占星
predict (v) 預測
rewarding (adj) 值得;令人滿意的
obstacle (n) 障礙
path (n) 道路;小徑
wipe out:摧毀滅絕
stretch oneself:竭盡所能;全力以赴
cope with N:處理;解決
pressure (n) 壓力
impulsive (adj) 衝動的
favorable (adj) 有利的;討喜的
exercise (v) 運用;發揮
caution (n) 小心;謹慎
maintain (v) 維持
regime (n) (養生)計畫
adequate (adj) 充足的
overcome (v) 克服
fatigue (n) 疲勞
tough (adj) 艱困的
situation (n) 狀況;處境
arise (v) 發生;出現
occupy (v) 忙碌於…;占據
finances (n) 財務狀況
household (n) (adj) 家庭(的)
fund (n) 資金;款項
short (adj) 短缺
indulgence (n) 沉溺;放縱
foolproof (adj) 萬無一失的
monetary (adj) 金融財務的
arrangement (n) 安排
when it comes to N:當談及…時
communicate (v) 溝通
otherwise (adv) 否則;不然
anxiety (n) 緊張焦慮
tension (n) 緊張不安
trouble (v) 煩腦折磨
defensive (adj) 防備的
note (n) 氣氛
negative (adj) 負面的
doubt (n) 疑慮
rule (v) 控制
avoid (v) 避免
self-esteem (n) 自尊
fortunate break (n) 好運
snap (n) (指關節的)啪搭聲
sufficient (adj) 充足的
motto (n) 座右銘
blessing (n) 祝福
spell (v) 意味著;招致
in store:即將發生
comfort zone:安逸
recoil (v) 退縮
shell (n) 殼
on the cards:可能
occur (v) 發生
repent (v) 後悔
miss out on N:錯失
opportunity (n) 機會
as for N:關於
issue (n) 問題
eventually (adv) 最終地
pleasant (adj) 愉快的
old flame (n) 舊情人
current (adj) 目前的

The prospect of a New Year always stirs excitement and hope. We don’t want a    __  01  __  year and certainly we don’t want anymore challenges. Will 2013 turn out to be better? Let’s take a look at the 2013 horoscope for what is ahead!

Aries (March 21st - April 19th)
2013 is predicted to be a   __  02  __  year for Aries. Some major obstacles in your path to success will be wiped out but be prepared to  __  03  __  yourself to cope with the pressure and new challenges ahead. Avoid taking any impulsive decisions or making sudden changes to you plans. 2013 may not be very favorable for your health   __  04  __   you exercise caution, maintain a healthy diet and exercise regime, and get adequate rest to overcome fatigue.
■ Good Aries: curious, energetic, enthusiastic, independent, persevering
■ Bad Aries: brash, restless, brazen, impetuous, impatient

Taurus (April 20th-May 20th)
2013 will be filled with challenges for Taurus, but you should make the best use of your creativity when tough situations arise. You will become   __  05  __   in finances and household issues. Funds will be short in the beginning of the year. Don’t let your indulgence burn a big hole in your purse. Be sure to plan out a foolproof monetary arrangement. When it comes to relationships, think twice before communicating with your family;   __  06  __ , anxiety and tension will trouble you throughout the year.
■ Good Taurus: productive, dependable, persistent, good-natured
■ Bad Taurus: argumentative, self-centered, obstinate, stubborn, materialistic

Gemini (May 21st-June 20th)
2013 will start off on a defensive note for Gemini. Negative thoughts and doubts may rule you mind, so avoid any events or people that pull your self-esteem down. You probably won’t experience fortunate breaks at the snap of a finger, but you can put in sufficient effort to make things happen for yourself. Your motto for the year should be “ Go for it!”    __  07  __  a little hard work plus the planet’s blessings, nothing is impossible.
■ Good Gemini: inquisitive, imaginative, adaptable, communicative, savvy
■ Bad Gemini: nosy, quarrelsome, quickly bored, non-committal, restless

Cancer (June 21st-July 22nd)
The year spells mixed fortunes for Cancer. Most changes in store for you will be powerful enough to drag you out of your comfort zone. In the past, you might have recoiled in your shell whenever faced with unfavorable situations, but not anymore in 2013. A change in career line will be on the  __  08  __   and is most likely to occur by mid 2013. Do not repent later of missing out on opportunities  __  09  __   take them as they come. As for love and relationships, long unsolved family issues will eventually find pleasant answers. An old flame is going to re-enter your life. You must decide    __  10  __   you should continue your current relationship or end it.
■ Good Cancer: imaginative, sensitive, compassionate, protective, intuitive
■ Bad Cancer: moody, clingy, self-absorbed, manipulative, always procrastinating.

A. but B. cards C. lackluster D. unless E. with
F. otherwise G. rewarding H. occupied I. stretch J. if

The prospect of a New Year always stirs excitement and hope. We don’t want a lackluster year and certainly we don’t want anymore challenges. Will 2013 turn out to be better? Let’s take a look at the 2013 horoscope for what is ahead!

Aries ( March 21st - April 19th )
2013 is predicted to be a rewarding year for Aries. Some major obstacles in your path to success will be wiped out but be prepared to stretch yourself to cope with the pressure and new challenges ahead. Avoid taking any impulsive decisions or making sudden changes to you plans. 2013 may not be very much favorable for your health unless you exercise caution, maintain a healthy diet and exercise regime, and get adequate rest to overcome fatigue.
■ Good Aries: curious, energetic, enthusiastic, independent, persevering
■ Bad Aries: brash, restless, brazen, impetuous, impatient

Taurus ( April 20th-May 20th )
2013 will be filled with challenges for Taurus, but you should make the best use of your creativity when tough situations arise. You will become occupied in finances and household issues. Funds will be short in the beginning of the year. Don’t let your indulgence burn a big hole in your purse. Be sure to plan out a foolproof monetary arrangement. When it comes to relationships, think twice before communicating with your family; otherwise, anxiety and tension will trouble you throughout the year.
■ Good Taurus: determined, productive, dependable, persistent, good-natured
■ Bad Taurus: argumentative, self-centered, obstinate, stubborn, materialistic

Gemini ( May 21st-June 20th )
2013 will start off on a defensive note for Gemini. Negative thoughts and doubts may rule you mind, so avoid any events or people that pull your self-esteem down. You probably won’t experience fortunate breaks at the snap of a finger, but you can put in sufficient effort to make things happen for yourself. Your motto for the year should be “ Go for it!” With a little hard work plus the planet’s blessings, nothing is impossible.
■ Good Gemini: inquisitive, imaginative, adaptable, communicative, savvy
■ Bad Gemini: nosy, quarrelsome, quickly bored, non-committal, restless

Cancer ( June 21st-July 22nd )
The year spells mixed fortunes for Cancer. Most changes in store for you will be powerful enough to drag you out of your comfort zone. In the past, you might have recoiled in your shell whenever faced with unfavorable situations, but not anymore in 2013. A change in career line will be on the cards and is most likely to occur by mid 2013. Do not repent later of missing out on opportunities but take them as they come. As for love and relationships, long unsolved family issues will eventually find pleasant answers. An old flame is going to re-enter your life. You must decide if you should continue your current relationship or end it.
■ Good Cancer: imaginative, sensitive, compassionate, protective, intuitive
■ Bad Cancer: moody, clingy, self-absorbed, manipulative, always procrastinating

Q According to the article, who may experience emotional fluctuations and moody spells in 2013?
A. Cancer.
B. Gemini
C. Taurus
D. Aries

建議做完聽力和閱讀後, 打開播放器, 跟著一起朗讀文章, 熟悉發音和語調。
1. C 2. G 3. I 4. D 5. H
6. F 7. E 8. B 9. A 10. J
1. 名詞 year 前應搭配「形容詞」。從文意「不要…」可推知應選擇負面的形容詞「暗淡的」lackluster。
2. 名詞 year 前應搭配「形容詞」。從後方句關鍵字「障礙」obstacles 和「移除」wiped out 可推知困難迎刃而解,收穫良多,應選擇 rewarding。
3. 第三格考點為「不定詞」to + 動詞原形,「不定詞」相關解說請見 文法講座二十五。從文意可推知,面對挑戰應「全力以赴」。片語 stretch oneslf 意指「竭盡全力」。
4. 句型結構分析如下:
2013 may not be __  04  __   you exercise
[主詞1 ] [動詞1]      [連接詞] [主詞2] [動詞2]
兩個主詞,兩個動詞,代表有兩個句子;第4格連接兩個句子應為「連接詞」。 從文意可推知,「除非」( unless ) 特別留意身體狀況,健康恐出現問題。連接詞 unless 相關解說請見文法講座九
5. 連綴動詞 become 後方需搭「形容詞」,連綴動詞相關解說請見 文法講座二十六。從下方第3行的「資金」( funds ) 和第 5 行的「和家人溝通」 ( communicating with your family ) 可推知,金牛座將「忙於」( occupied ) 財務和家務。
6. 從前方的分號和後方逗號可知第 6 格為「副詞」。 從文意可知,溝通時應 小心,「否則」( otherwise ) 將有「麻煩」( trouble )。帶有轉折意味的副詞 otherwise 的相關解說,請見 文法講座三十一
7. 「介係詞」後方才可搭配名詞「努力工作」hard work,故第 7 格為「介係詞」。 從文意可知,「有了」(with) 努力後,沒什麼是不可能的。
8. 從前方定冠詞 the 可推知第8格為「名詞」。從後方句「最可能在年中應驗」可知,轉職「可能」發生。片語「可能」:be on the cards。
9. 從文意可知,不要「後悔錯過」,而是「好好把握」。本題考點為對等連接詞「不是 A 而是 B」 not A but B,A 和 B 詞性須對稱相等。句中 repent 和 take 都是動詞原形,對稱對等。「not A but B」相關解說請見 文法講座三十二
10. 從關鍵字「必須下決定」( must decide ) 可知現正面臨一個「問題」,故 decide 後應搭「間接問句」。間接問句 = 疑問詞 + 主詞 + 動詞 + ( 地點 + 時間 )。「間接問句」相關解說請見 文法講座十六


牡羊座 ( 3月21 日— 4月19日 )
■ 牡羊座優點:好奇心強、活力充沛、熱情、獨立、有毅力的
■ 牡羊座缺點:自以為是的、焦躁好動的、無所顧忌的、不耐煩的

金牛座 ( 4月20 日—5月20日 )
■ 金牛座優點:有效率、值得信賴、鍥而不捨、性情溫和
■ 金牛座缺點:好辯的、自我中心、固執的、物質至上的

雙子座 ( 5月21 日—6月20日 )
■ 雙子座的優點:好奇的、想像力豐富、適應力強、有見識的
■ 雙子座的缺點:包打聽、好爭辯、容易感到無聊的、不負責的、焦躁好動的

巨蟹座 ( 6月21 日—7月22日 )
2013年巨蟹座好壞運參半。大多數一觸即發的改變,威力之大迫使你不得不脫離平日的安逸。以往當遭逢困境時,你大可縮回自己的殼,但今年,巨蟹逃無可逃了。你可能會在年中轉職。機會來時,一定要好好把握,不要過後才悲嘆錯失大好機會。 愛情與人際方面,陳年家務事可望找到滿意的解套方法。舊情人將重新回到你的生活中。你必須決定你是否要和現任男(女)友繼續走下去。
■ 巨蟹座的優點:想像力豐富、敏感、有同情心、保護慾強、直覺的
■ 巨蟹座的缺點:喜怒無常、依賴心重、自戀的、控制慾強、拖拖拉拉

問題:根據這篇文章,誰可能在 2013 經歷情緒波動和一陣子地陰鬱或喜怒無常?
  • A. 巨蟹座。
  • B. 雙子座。
  • C. 金牛座。
  • D. 牡羊座。

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