

近年來學測和指考英文作文都有向如:雅思(IELTS) 和托福 (TOFEL) 等留學英文考試借題的趨勢。103年指考作文就以少見的題表分析為題。這是雅思考試的必考題型,但對一般同學而言卻顯陌生,寫作上有一定難度。建議同學考前不妨以下圖練寫一回,大家加油囉 ^_^ 

感謝大學堂英文「指考英文衝刺教學」 育成高中廖同學的分享

說明:下列圖表為某年來台觀光之外籍旅客原居住地分布統計表,請依據圖表內容,撰寫一篇文長約150 字的短文。文分兩段,第一段先就外籍旅客原居住地之分布狀況加以說明,第二段則對觀光局 (Tourism Bureau) 提出旅遊改進之相關建議。



Taiwan is an important line of communication at East Asia, so there are lots of foreigners come(註) 前方有 are,故這裡應改成 coming。here for business and work, in particular people stay in Asia. (註)particularly people living in Asia There are a lot of beautiful landscape and the weather is fit for the foreigners. (註)landscape(陸地上的風景)一般看成不可數名詞。為變化句型,建議用 Taiwan has long been famous for its beautiful scenery, …。Sometimes movie teams came to Taiwan to shoot a film here because of our special cultural (註)special(形容詞) + culture(名詞)。At the same time, Taiwanese are very enthusiastic to introduce Taiwan. For example, (註)for example, 後常加完整句子,¬¬such as(介係詞) + Nthe night market, the delicacy and Taipei 101. Above all are good impression way for Americans (註)The above are ways to impress foreign tourists. 表上遊台人數最多的還是亞洲人,單提Americans 原因為何?and others.

(評)要依題目提示走,否則就是離題,寫得很辛苦卻無法拿到分數,豈不可惜。題示中說到:第一段先就外籍旅客原居住地之分布狀況加以說明,所以第一短段須整個重寫。你已寫好的這第一段和第二段再融一融成為 rewrite 的第二段。

In the night market, not only litters but also cans were seen over everywhere. Thereby, we should advise to Tourism Bureau that makes more English signs and slogans in public. We can hold more international activities to increase more tourists from America and Europe even Oceania.(評)建議說明國際活動的內容及辦活動的目的為何,應該是 promote 台灣好吃好看好玩吧。 Overall we should be kind and nice to all the foreigners.(註)這句和上句沒關係,且這裡也沒提到台灣人不友善,所以可刪。

(評)第二段 rewrite 的寫作方向:Taiwan boast 特色(至少寫三個),希望旅遊局可企畫 …... 活動,想出 catchy slogan 或  theme songs 或 celebrity 來向國際行銷台灣(promote Taiwan internationally) (可舉鄰近國家日本或韓國的行銷手段 / 旅遊活動當例子,學習他們好的行銷點子),同時發行(issue)英文旅遊手冊(tourist brochures / travel guides / maps),整合亂七八糟的英文路標(road signs),增加 WiFi 普及率來方便遊客自由行,避免迷路。

二修:下周上課,老師領著同學一起完成細部調整,調整方向涵蓋用字 / 文法 / 句型 / 文章結構 / 劇情邏輯等等,二修即最終定稿。定稿後,學生接著背誦自己的文章,將單字句構進一步內化。

The chart shows that Taiwan welcomed a total of 4.4 million foreign tourists. By region, Asia remained the largest contributor at 2.5 million arrivals, representing a 57 percent share of international visitors to Taiwan. This is probably because Taiwan is less than six-hour flight from Asia’s major cities and this proximity does give Taiwan a competitive edge in the tourism industry. Another major source of visitors to Taiwan includes America and Europe. With so many most-visited and most-famous tourist destinations on the massive Asian continent, it comes as no surprise to me that Western tourists stood the second and third in the annual foreign tourist arrivals.

Taiwan has long been famous for its beautiful scenery and unique culture. To market it internationally, I would first suggest the Tourism Bureau to invite aspiring filmmakers from all over the world to shoot movies in Taiwan. With the release of these movies, Taiwan can get massive exposure to potential foreign travelers. Also, the authority can involve more local travel experts to share their must-see destinations, help plan trips and create interesting travel activities by such category as arts, history, and festivals. All these efforts allow visitors to gain an unforgettable touch and taste of Taiwan. Moreover, issuing up-to-date tourist brochures in various languages including English, Japanese and so on makes it much easier for foreigners to get around Taiwan. I hope what I have mentioned above can help promote Taiwan and increase tourism.


指考衝刺教學:命題式英文作文分享 Part III

指考衝刺教學:104 年度學測英文作文分享 - 雙主題英文作文分享 Part II

指考衝刺教學:104 年度學測英文作文分享 - 雙主題英文作文分享 Part I










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